Chromatographic System for Everyone
Project Goals
The project offers free software for controlling of chromatographic devices and subsequent evaluation of the acquired data. The set of the chromatographic devices, which was developed by PiKRON company during the last 9 years, communicates with the program using uLAN network protocol.
For incorporation of other devices (mainly detectors with analog output signal) has been developed more AD converters and extension options for CHROMuLAN system. PiKRON offers ULAD 32 analog to digital converter with uLan and USB connectivity and integrated USB to uLan bridge feature to connect third party devices. Due to open-source nature of the project, it is possible to create software modules (MS Windows DLLs) for communication with devices of other manufacturers. Even whole uLAN protocol specification and portable implementation has been open-sources by PiKRON many years ago and can be and is used by other manufacturers for multiple distributed control projects. It is possible to integrate support into third party devices or build devices.
The CHROMuLAN project was initiated and development has been paid by the PiKRON company (, that deals with development of devices for liquid chromatography, robotic and positioning systems, or infusion technique. Up to now there have been manufactured more than 3000 devices communicating with uLAN protocol, designed by the company.

Currently is the software being developed using Borland Delphi for WindowNT/2000. Work on port to GNU/Linux (with use of Lazarus) is ongoing and experimental version is available from the downloads section. The main developer and maintainer of the software CHROMuLAN is Jindrich Jindrich (, assistant professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry, Charles University, Prague (
PiKRON team designed complete set of HPLC devices which are supported by CHROMuLAN. HPLC pumps LCP5020, LCP5021, quaternary-gradient pumps LCP5024, LCP5025 and preparative pumps LCP5080 provide reliable and precise mobile phase delivery. UV and UV-VIS detectors LCD5000, UV254 LCD5254, thermostat LCT5100, autosampler LCS5040 are supported by CHROMuLAN as well. Complete project with supporting CHROMuLAN included control extension is aminoacid analyzer AAA400 which is delivered including chemical know-how. The devices firmware is based on PiKRON founded open uLAN and COLAMI technology which is used even in projects of other companies and build of components, control systems and complete instruments for specific needs and applications is possible.

The flexibility of CHROMuLAN system, instruments and uLAN interconnection design allows to use system and components even for special setups. The PiKRON company has already designed and is able to organize production, delivery and setup of liquid management systems for preparative chromatography. The unique PiKRON's pumping head design has been produced and used for up to 400 ml/min 20 MPa setups.
Project CHROMuLAN is really for everyone